Caring for Your Golf Gloves: Tips for Extending Their Lifespan
In golf, a player's hands hold the prowess. For a player to have command on the golf club, grip is of utmost importance. It is here that Golf Gloves come into play.
Golf gloves provide superior grip so that a golf club does not slip out of golfer's fingers. Golf gloves provide extra friction .
Players have to show dexterity and exert control over the golf clubs. Their hands go through wear and tear. Most golfers get calluses on their hands while playing due to frequent friction and constant use of golf clubs . Golf gloves work as shields that cover the hands to retain grip and stay covered.
Some players wear golf gloves in both hands while many wear golf gloves in one hand only.
Golf gloves are usually worn on weak hand. It is the weak hand that stays put in place onto the golf club, and therefore weak hand needs to be shielded more.
While golf gloves are not seen as the top tier element of a golf gear often, they are an integral and essential part of the game at the course. Golf gloves are a must have in a player's golf bag.
It is essential to maintain golf gloves to ensure their longevity. As durable as they look, golf gloves are delicate and need care.
If golf gloves are sturdy, half of the job is done. At Golfism, you will find an impressive range of Golf Gloves further categorized into women's golf gloves, mens golf gloves , gloves for left handers and gloves for right handers.
These categories present a wide range of gloves to choose from.
Once you pick your favourite golf gloves, it is essential to maintain them by following certain steps that extend their life span.
As soon as a game of golf comes to an end, there is an urge to throw things in. Compartments and placement tend to take a back seat. But golf gloves cannot be thrown randomly in the bag. Throwing golf gloves with tees and divot tools robs them of their soft leather form. This results in the golf gloves losing their shape. If the gloves are clean and dry, stretch them back to their original shape but if they are wet, air dry them first and then store them. After stretching the golf gloves to their original form, store them in a zip lock to protect their form and feel.
Grease, dirt, sweat and grime make golf gloves deteriorate. These germ elements wear off the leather from the golf gloves especially after moisture is sucked up from them. Therefore cleaning the gloves rightly, is a task of utmost importance.
Cleaning the golf gloves in a washing machine can work wonders. With a mild detergent, golf gloves get a good wash in the washing machine set for cold and light wash. In the spin tub, golf gloves do rounds for cleanse.
Golf gloves should not be put on a radiator to dry. They should be air dried naturally. This helps golf gloves to come back in their original shape after washing.
Wearing golf gloves throughout the match does not work right. Just like a sponge, golf gloves suck in all the moisture and oil from your skin. It is essential to take out golf gloves in between shots to let the hands breathe ! Do not wear them for activities like driving buggy at the golf course. The steering wheel has enough germs to collect on the golf gloves.
Check this Cuater golf glove which is as breezy as the name and look suggests.
Golf gloves are an important part of the gear. They deserve care and attention. Golf gloves should not be used as towels to wipe dirt, grime and sweat from the face nor should they be used as cloth to wipe balls and clubs. Their function is to provide grip and protection to the hands during a game. Using them as wipes will only transfer more germs and deplete oil and moisture from them.
If you wear your new golf gloves while practicing, they will go through wear and tear even before hitting the golf course. Reserve old or spare gloves for practice with the clubs. Open and use the new gloves for the main game. Golf gloves need a breather to have a long life. Overuse or constant pressure, punctures their leather form altogether.
Looking for suave new golf gloves to grip the golf club well? Check out this stylish meb golf gloves by G/FORE .
There is a collection of G/FORE women golf gloves as well, with pretty hues to choose from.
Sometimes it is not the golf glove which is responsible for wearing out . It is the player's way of gripping and donning the golf gloves that results in wear and tear. If your golf gloves are losing shape under the pinky finger at the fat part of the palm, it means you are holding the clubs too tight with a lot of pressure. These are wear marks. Try to not exert too much force on the club with your golf gloves. Wear them keeping their natural grip and breathable nature in mind.
Check out Travis Mathew “Double Me” golf gloves that come with adjustable tab closure and finger perforation for optimal breathability while hitting tough shots. These golf gloves give flexible feel while reminding that the club is always closer to hand.
Now that you know what it takes to maintain your golf gloves to keep them clean and sturdy, it is surely going to ensure longevity for them in the long run. Golf gloves are integral to the game at the greens. Make sure you invest in the right golf gloves available at Golfism to grip your golf club well for those super strokes this golf season.